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6 Month Anniversary

Wow!! I can't believe it, coming August 1 will be my 6 month anniversary of my little studio. Lets celebrate this fantastic milestone!!

You're probably wondering why it took me so long to put out a new blog? Okay maybe not, but I'll tell you anyways. I finally got the time, okay, I'll be honest... I procrastinated because I'm not really tech savy in creating a website. But I grabbed some courage, started pressing a few buttons here and there, hoping against all hope that I wont accidentally delete my website, I finally figured out how to post a new blog. The previous blogs were created by my fantastic little brother, Yan. Shoutout to my brother, YAN!! Xoxo. There will be continual improvements as I chug along and learn new things here and there in the world of technology. Currently I'm trying to figure out how to set up an on-line store.

Oh yes, I was rambling and going on a tangent. Heres my special!!

All through the month of August, I will be offering 20% off of any services and 10% off of any skincare products. Buy $100 worth of skincare products and I will give you a free gift, while supplies last.

This year will be a year of additional NEW services, my moto, "Never STOP learning"! I will be offering Eyebrow Extensions (YES, there is such a wonderful thing for us who are follically chalenged and afraid of tattoo needles) after July 19th, and coming soon in September, Volume Lashes. I have also learned how to sugar wax, so come in and let me sugar you! I'M SO EXCITED!!!

In other news I will be going on vacation from August 21-27. I know, that kind of puts a damper on my August special, but don't fret!! I will extend the special to September 7. This also means for my regular clients, please schedule your appointments with me before I have to go on vacation.

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